Tech Talk Tuesday: Webinar Round Up for 3/8

A new edition of Tech Talk Tuesday (#TechTalkTuesday) means a new batch of IT webinars! If you've been having a hard time keeping track of webinars, we've rounded up the best webinars from our partners for you in one convenient spot. Check out the round up below:



Add an Early Warning System to Your Security Environment
When: March 9, 8 AM PST

The current state of IT, with its ever expanding and evolving circumstances, is at risk more than ever with an equally expanding attack surface area. Learn about the Attack Surface Management (ASM) and how it can tackle cybersecurity challenges early on, ultimately supporting remote hybrid work, building supply chain resilience, and more.



Best Practices for Securing Cloud Security Platforms
When: On-Demand

Before cloud computing, enterprises could expect to be responsible for securing their data centers, applications, and more on their own. Now that organizations are shifting towards complete or hybrid cloud models, cloud service providers are there to help ease the security burden through the shared responsibility model. Grab this webcast to understand the composition of cloud environments, the challenges of cloud migration, and best practices to securing the cloud with CrowdStrike and AWS.



Enterprise backup strategy: Hybrid Cloud Considerations
When: On-Demand

Widely used for powering digital transformation and improving efficiency and cost, hybrid cloud models introduce their own unique challenges and complexities for data protection and management. Discover the top trends for enterprise hybrid clouds, solutions for streamlining cloud mobility and the backup and restoration process, and strategies for ensuring protection and recovery in multi-cloud environments.